The B3 Challenge will help you learn how you can optimize your mental and physical wellness. Through a step-by-step approach and support system we call SENSE, you’ll find effective techniques, tips and personal coaching to create a healthier, happier you.
A fit body begins with mental FITNESS, and is the key to a healthy brain, heart and gut microbiome. Over the years, you may have been thinking about stress eating and metabolism all wrong. Most people place these issues in the “body” category and start restricting what they consume; continuing this destructive cycle of counting calories, dieting and even over-exercising.
STOP! Don’t do it!
The truth is these body issues are actually related to the brain (mental wellness), the biome (gut health), the heart, and the connection between them. Our research and science incorporates all three to attain AND maintain a healthy lifestyle.
If you are tired of the fads, gimmicks, confusion and
"the diet of the month", this program is perfect for you!